Let's face it, the feeling you get when your hair and scalp are clean is like no other.
However, finding the time to go through a wash day routine can be tiresome and tedious.
When my hair was texlaxed (mild relaxer), I washed my hair once a month and I noticed it thrived whenever I took care of it.
However, when I went natural, I made the mistake a lot of women who go natural make. I began washing my hair more often than I normally would.
While keeping your scalp clean is important, keeping your hair moisturized is also equally important.
I decided to reduce the number of times I wash my hair and focus on keeping my hair moisturized while at the same time using products lightly.
That seems to have worked much better for my hair.
For starters, I now wash my hair every 3 weeks as opposed to every 2 weeks. That is about once a month. This ensures that my scalp gets a much needed rest and since I am not heavy with my hair products, my hair stays clean for a solid potion of that time.

The second thing I did was to reduce the amount of manipulation I was doing to my hair. I am not a fan of heavy braids so wearing my hair in as few twists as possible is what I favor.
It reduces the strain on my strands.

I spritz with a water and Aloe-Vera gel mix every couple of days. And actually using my hands to work it through my strands.
I sleep in a satin lined hair bonnet every single night to ensure that my hair stays frizz free and moisturized.

In the mornings, I wear a colorful and fun printed shower cap which not only continues my moisture lock process but also keeps my hair from getting wet.

How do you maintain your hair moisture? I'd love to hear from you!
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