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2019 - The Best is here

Updated: Jun 24, 2020

Happy New Year! 2019 is off to quite a busy start but one I am looking forward to.

As a busy mom, wife and entrepreneur, my job is never done. And as is typical at this time of year in the Northeast, everyone in my household has come down with a cold.

Typically, it is one of my kids. But this time, they have decided to share this gift with both mom and dad. Which simply means "something's got to give!"

I am also a certified Project Management Professional and one of the things most PMs will tell you when working on a job is to first identify all the tasks that need to be completed and then determine the duration, interconnectivity and priority.

That's just a fancy want to say "figure out what HAS to get done and work from there." While everything is ranked and assigned a priority number, that doesn't mean #10 is less important than #1 because they are all interconnected and needed to accomplish the work.

With that in mind, the immediate task for me has been getting better. This includes taking care of myself and spending days in my bonnet (yes, I still believe in doing my brows even when I am at home :-)) and drinking lots of fluids.

Another priority has been nursing my little ones back to health. Because when everyone is healthy and happy, I can breathe a sigh of relief.

And then there is my commitment to you! I have spent the first few days of the year updating our site and adding more fun and exciting sleep and shower bonnets to ensure you find something that suits your personality.

Cheers to a wonderful 2019 and MANY happy and HEALTHY days!

The best is here!

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